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ตอนยูจินโทรเรียกแล้วฮยอนเจโผล่มาอย่างไวพร้อมสายฟ้านี่นึกถึงปิกาจูชั้นเลือกนายเลย ถถถถถ

อยากดูคิทาโร่อะ จะเข้านฟมั้ย นอยที่อะไรๆก็ต้องเข้าเมือง นี่เราอยู่แค่ปริมณฑลยังนอยขนาดนี้ คนอยู่ตจว.ไม่ต้องพูดถึง เห้อ

AIS, True และตัวแทนจำหน่ายในไทย เปิดให้สั่งจอง iPad Pro, iPad Air ใหม่ จันทร์นี้ 8 โมงเช้า #Blognone

กรีนคาร์ของ Hokuriku Shinkansen ชนะเลิศ

กำหนดตารางไม่ได้ นั่งกรีนคาร์รัวๆ เอสไว้ไปล้างจานมาจ่ายนะ ถถถ


“อนุทิน”ปัดขัดแย้ง พท.ปมกัญชา ดักคอคนเสี้ยมอย่าหวังสร้างความแตกแยก #การเมือง

iFixit แกะ iPad Pro M4 แล้ว จุดเด่นคือออกแบบให้แบตเตอรีเปลี่ยนได้เร็วขึ้นมาก #Blognone

Mushroom foraging today was a success! Lots of saffron milkcaps, which are honestly my most favourite mushroom ever.

I was so worried the season was going to end without me finding any.

#foraging #foragingAustralia #mushrooms #fungi

"สาวไทย" หวังชนะ "เกาหลีใต้" ปิดท้าย ศึกเนชันส์ลีก 2024 สัปดาห์แรก #กีฬา

Running is nothing. The real training is dodging all the slugs that come out on the road after the rain

As conservatives put religion in schools, Satanists want in, too

The Satanic Temple is known for trolling the religious right, but in its fight for religious pluralism, it's become a powerful foe.

"The demonic-sounding group, which describes itself as “nontheistic,” is using this debate and others like it to make a point about the growing encroachment of religion on public life."

ปีนี้ก็ลองทำอะไรหลายอย่างในฐานะสายผลิต ลองเป็นสต้าฟงานคอมมิก ลองเขียนนิยาย ก็พบหลายๆมุมมอง

พรุ่งนี้ "ทนาย" เตรียมไป รพ.ราชทัณฑ์ ขอประวัติการรักษา "บุ้ง" #การเมือง

ดู The 8 Show ในนฟ.ละฮืออออออออออ โฮฮฮฮฮฮฮ เห้ออออออ พลิกบ่อยมาก หดหู่มาก คาร์แต่ละคนเห้มาก แต่เรื่องก็น่าตาม55555555555 โอ้ย ดูละเมื่อยคิ้ว

BREAKING: Gunfire rings out in Congo’s capital as men in military uniform clash with politician’s guards

ได้อยู่นากาโนะก็ดีนะ รู้สึก vibes มันไม่ฉีกจากอิชิกาวะมาก

Free community #fediscience -- please boost!

Our last session before summer is
***ZOOM only***

🌔Tues May 21, 6:30pm London time🌕

Morna #Finnegan on
'Remember who you are: kinship in an age of crisis'

Everyone welcome to join us on
ZOOM ID 384 186 2174 passcode Wawilak

#anthropology #gender #kinship #body

This entry was edited (2 hours ago)

There was magic in the air this morning on Glastonbury Tor, Avalonian Magic. Taken shortly after sunrise.

VIP Nails & Beauty Salon - Nail Salon on Salem Walk Dr, Greensboro, GA 30642. Visit VIP Nails & Beauty Salon today for exceptional nail care services!
Address: 1070 Salem Walk Dr, Greensboro, GA 30642
Phone: (706) 920-1075
Tag: VIP Nails & Beauty Salon, VIP Nails & Beauty Salon 30642, VIP Nails & Beauty Salon Greensboro, , VIP Nails & Beauty Salon Salem Walk Dr


A #dassault Falcon 900 (Reg: N970JD) reportedly used by #jesseduplantis has just been detected in flight at Sun May 19 2024 08:11:39 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time).

สองผู้บริหาร OpenAI ชี้แจงประเด็นที่อดีตพนักงานบอก บริษัทไม่โฟกัส AGI มากพอ #Blognone

ครอบครัว-ญาติ ร่วมไว้อาลัย "บุ้ง" ก่อนพิธีฌาปนกิจ 4 โมงเย็นวันนี้ #การเมือง

Today in Labor History May 18, 1980: Koreans rose up in Gwangju against the repressive U.S.-supported government. The uprising lasted from May 18 to May 27. According to official reports, 165 civilians were killed and 3,515 were injured in the uprising. 37 soldiers and 4 cops were killed and 253 were injured. Another 14 soldiers died from “friendly” fire. However, Gwangju’s death records for May of 1980 were 2,300 above normal. Many believe the actual death toll from the uprising is closer to 2,000. In addition to the casualties from the uprising, nearly 1,400 people were arrested and 7 were given death sentences. 12 were sentenced to life in prison.

The background for the uprising is complex. However, the country had been living under the 18-year dictatorship of Park Chun-hee, who was assassinated on October 26, 1979. A series of pro-democracy demonstrations developed in the wake of his death. But on December 12, Chun Doo-hwan led a military coup in order to quell the protests. He did not officially take over as “president” until after the Gwangju Uprising. But he was acting as the de facto ruler and the country was still under martial law from the coup.

In March, protests picked up again. People wanted democratization, human rights, minimum wage increases, freedom of the press, and an end to martial law. On May 15, 100,000 people demonstrated at Seoul Station. Chun Doo-hwan responded by extending martial law to the entire nation, closing the universities, banning all political activities and further curtailing the press. Furthermore, he dispatched troops throughout the country to suppress any potential demonstrations.

On May 18, students demonstrated at Chonnam University in defiance of its closing. At first, there were only 30 paratroopers and hundreds of students. They started to clash. By afternoon, at least 2,000 people had joined the protest. The government sent in hundreds of troops. Soldiers started to club demonstrators and onlookers. They attacked with bayonets and raped people, and they beat a deaf man to death. Outraged, the number of protesters swelled to over 10,000. Street battles continued for days, climaxing on May 21, when soldiers fired into a crowd of protesters. In response, citizens took up arms by robbing local armories and police stations, arming themselves with M1 rifles and carbines. By afternoon, there were bloody gunfights between ad hoc civilian militias and the army. By 5:30, the citizens militias had obtained two machine guns and used them, forcing the army to retreat.

The troops retreated to the suburbs to await reinforcements. However, they also blocked all routes and communications leading into and out of the city. Meanwhile, inside of Liberated Gwangju, the Citizens’ Settlement Committee negotiated with the army, demanding the release of arrested citizens, compensation for the victims, and a prohibition of retaliation in exchange for disarming themselves. The army demanded immediate surrender and some in the committee were willing to give it to them. But those who wanted to resist until their demands were met took control of the committee.

On May 27, at 4 am, troops from five divisions moved on the protesters and defeated the civilian militias within 90 minutes.

#workingclass #LaborHistory #korea #massacre #Gwangju #imperialism #dictatorship #uprising #humanrights #freespeech #demonstration #censorship #police